Imaginary Concerto - 2018
for piano + electronics, ca. 12'00"
Written for Mari Kawamura in 2018, Imaginary Concerto is a work for piano and electronics which takes the performer on a journey through a series of surreal imagined landscapes, and musical situations. Quoting extensively from various areas of the piano repertoire, as well as from Francis Couperin’s L’Art de Toucher le Clavecin, the work takes a playful and personality-driven look at the nature of virtuosity and performance in general. Throughout the work, the personalities of the composer, performer, and quoted materials often interact in surprising ways, addressing in particular the virtuosity of flexibility and range, while creating a diverse and chaotic environment.
score sample
audio sample
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full recording - Mari Kawamura - piano, glockenspiel, triangle, recorder, kazoo, and voice